Ad Details
Ad ID: 13178
Added: 07/11/2018
Location: Philippines
State/Province: Rizal
City: Angono
Phone: 09456172341
Views: 1321
Latitude: 14.5189
Longitude: 121.15769
Eastridge Residences near in Angono/Binangonan Rizal
The property is conveniently located in the boundaries of Angono and Binangonan. Flood free, private and secure. Comparable to Tagaytay with its beautiful scenic views and cold weather. A resort like lifestyle ideal for active and young people who wants a peaceful environment free from the noise of the city.
golf course
Japanese Restaurant
Angono petroglyps
Thunderbird Resort
Near SM Angono
Firing range
Soccer field
Tennis Court
Basketball court
Mountain bike trails
Lot area: 204 sq.m
Floor area: 49 sq.m
Two bedrooms
One Toilet & Bath
Parking spaces
Total Cost Price: 3,748,680
Down Payment: 374,868 payable in 12 months
For tripping and Reservations pls call/text:
Gloria de Castro
PRC/HLURB Licensed
Globe: 0916-589-0886