Ad Details
Ad ID: 15518
Added: 27/12/2018
Sale Price: ₱1,500.00
Location: Philippines
State/Province: Metro Manila
City: Mandaluyong
Phone: 09075584995
Views: 1490
Latitude: 31.516370
Longitude: 74.258727
Malabanan Services Include:
Siphoning of Septic Tank {per truck load} .
Remove Garbage. Inside the Septic Vault
Declogging / Clearup Clogged Pipelines .
Drain Install Outlet / Inlet Pipes .
Locate Open Septic Vault.
Siphoning Services Offered
Clean throughly the septic vault or septic tank.
Installation / Construction of new septic vault.
Cleaning and remove garbage inside septic vault.
Cleaning of cistern tank or water tank.
Water waste Draining for flooded areas,Swimming pool.
Locate,open and repair septic vault.
Preventive maintenance for fast food chains,canteen.hotel and all kind of establisment
Siphoning of septic slugde from septic vault.
Grease tank cleaning for STP’s.
De-Clogging Services Offered
De-clogging Clogged Pipelines.
Clearing up clogged pipelines and drainage system.
Repipping of Damage Pipelines.
Installation of outlet/inlet pipes/all plumbing repair.
Installation and Repair of Main Pipeline,Inlet,Outlet,Waterline