Ad Details
Ad ID: 22380
Added: 28/08/2019
Sale Price: ₱11.00
Location: United States
State/Province: Indiana
City: All
Phone: +971507737755
Views: 1058
Latitude: 24.39728
Longitude: 54.50154
The Rover C4 gold detector from Germany’s OKM is a 3D imaging metal detector powered by golden detector group
ROVER C4 is the latest innovation from OKM-Detectors combining the important features of its former ROVER series simplifying your treasure hunting adventure.
This device can be easily operated via the touch screen. It is also equipped with an LED orbit that emits colored light while scanning to indicate the existence of a target.
It can be used to find the following objectives:
– Different gold objects such as gold treasures, gold boxes, old coins, and gold ornaments
– Precious metals such as silver, bronze, copper, and others
– Natural rough gold and rough gold veins
– Different cavities such as tunnels, basements, and caves
Scanned data can be analysed through the 3D Visualizer software and the user will be able to get important details about the target including its size and depth.
contact us :
Golden Detector Group
Mobile1: 00971507737755
Mobile2: 00971503380055
Phone: 0097126584321
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Watch the video to know more:
Golden and metal detectors
OKM Rover C4 Metal Detector
Metal detector RoverC4 for treasure hunters
ROVER C4 a 3D ground scanner and metal detector